About Pokojninska družba A, Inc.

Pokojninska družba A Inc. is a multi-employer defined contribution retirement plan from Slovenia (EU) established in 2001 with 446,2 million euros assets under management, 61.287 members and 40 million euros contributions collected in 2023. The corporation takes care of the entire life cycle of retirement saving by collecting and then investing retirement contributions in one of it`s 3 life-cycle funds and after retirement members can draw down their savings in a form of a variable life annuity.

The corporation was established in 2001 by a group of large and successful companies in order to insure their employees and the employees of other companies in the most economical and safest manner and to provide them adequate income in retirement. The ownership is dispersed between 22 corporate shareholders with no shareholder owning more than 15% of shares. The corporation operates supplemental pension insurance for corporate and individual members. The main policy of the corporation is "partnership for the benefit of our members" which has been the foundation ever since the start in 2001.

The corporation has a D&B credit rating of 3A1 and meets all of the requirements of the ISO/IQNet 9001:2015 management system.

Life cycle funds of Pokojninska družba A, Inc.

In accordance with the life cycle investment policy, each member can select a suitable coverage fund which fits their age or risk inclination profile. Members may choose among three coverage funds with different investment policies.

Equity fund (High equity exposure) - This fund is suitable for persons under 50 years of age. The fund's goal is to keep 80% of the funds invested in equities and 20% in bonds. To a lesser degree, the money in the fund may also be invested in bank deposits, promissory notes and non-listed money market instruments. No less than 15% of the fund's investment portfolio consists of low-risk investments.[1] The goal of the fund is to generate above-average rate of return, with a medium degree of risk. The equity prefers to invest in shares, but also in lower-risk bonds. A high degree of risk spread is ensured through the fund's diverse investment portfolio in terms of region and sector, covering all major industries from all of the most important economic regions.

Balanced fund (Medium equity exposure) - This fund is suitable for persons under 60 years of age. The fund's goal is to keep 35% of the funds invested in equities and 65% in bonds. To a lesser degree, the fund may also invest in bank deposits, promissory notes and unlisted money market instruments. No less than 60% of the fund's investment portfolio consists of low-risk investments.1 The invested funds are exposed to a low degree of risk, with the aim of reaching a rate of return higher than the guaranteed rate of return. A high degree of risk spread is ensured through the fund's diverse investment portfolio in terms of region and sector, covering all major industries from all of the most important economic regions.

Guaranteed fund - This fund is suitable for members of all ages seeking a conservative investment option. The fund's goal is to keep 5% of the funds invested in equities, 10% in investment real estate and 85% in bonds. The fund may also invest in bank deposits, promissory notes and unlisted money market instruments. No less than 70% of the fund's investment portfolio consists of low-risk investments.1 Invested funds are exposed to a very low degree of risk, with the aim of reaching the guaranteed rate of return in the amount of one-half of the average rate of return, calculated using the methodology for calculation of the minimum guaranteed rate of return prescribed by the minister in charge of finance (1,31% in 2024), at an extremely low investment risk.

Fund performance

  Equity fund Balanced fund Guaranteed fund
2016 +14.07% +4.07% +3.27%
2017 +4.44% +3.32% +2.49%
2018 -7.00% -3.89% +1.15%
2019 +19.21% +10.00% +3.56%
2020 -0.48% +0.94% +2.76%
2021 +22,71 +7,70% +4,27%
2022 -7,42% -9,19% -2,31%
2023 +16,06% +10,43% +4,01%

If you would like to know more information about our retirement plans or about available investment options, please call us at +386 (0)1 230 77 21 or e-mail us at info@pokojninskad-a.si.